Guiding business owners through their business journey from the idea to six figures and their definition of success


Guiding business owners through their journey to profitability and sustainable growth.

When you want to grow your business but don’t want to lose yourself to overwhelm trying to take on too much. How to stop taking unnecessary risks in pursuit of revenue and profit.

There is one part of being a business owner no one talks about: the learning curve that shows up at every stage of your business journey. Whether you’re a new business or an existing business with a proven track record and loyal customers, every time you level up you’ll be met with new challenges.

Each stage of entrepreneurship asks something new of you as the business owner and demands you prove your value, occupy that space, satisfy your customer base, and achieve your goals.

The good news is that you don’t have to do this alone.

I’m Sean Atkinson and I partner with new and seasoned entrepreneurs to strategically grow their businesses, reduce overwhelm, and chart a clear path forward based on your business goals.

    Portrait photo of Sean Atkinson facing the camera

    About Sean M. Atkinson

    70's & 80's Atlantic Records Logo

    How I got Here

    From a very young age, I was introduced to the fascinating world of branding and storytelling in the music industry, thanks to my exposure to the dual personas of artists at Atlantic and Atco Records where my mother worked.

    This early experience taught me the power of perception and the art of narrative control—how stories let people connect the dots in ways that resonate with their own lives. This foundation set the stage for my career, guiding me in crafting stories that not only sell but also create lasting impressions.

    The Corporate Days

    My career in music eventually led me away from branding people to the challenge of controlling the narrative through perceptions and storytelling of products and services. I wanted to explore broader aspects of advertising and marketing, such as what makes an audience prioritize wants, needs, and nice-to-haves.

    I moved into roles at advertising agencies and later at publishing giants, where I learned how to bridge the gap between brands with something to offer and audiences with a need. Working at an exchange, I mastered the art of filling in the space between supply and demand, understanding what goes into not only connecting products and services with the right consumers effectively but also aligning the right business with the right partners for a mutually beneficial experience.

    Being An Entrepreneur

    In 2018, I took the leap to start my own business, drawing on decades of experience as a serial entrepreneur who turned simple ideas into profitable ventures from a young age. I found myself mentoring entrepreneurs and providing strategies, and they inspired me to create and run Majority Media.

    Though I’m not far removed from the challenges of starting out or trying to get established in a crowded market, my journey has equipped me with invaluable insights that I now share with other entrepreneurs, helping guide them through their business journey

    Why I transitioned from the corporate world to entrepreneurship

    After years of helping top-tier corporations maintain their dominance, I felt a pull towards something more impactful on a personal level. I decided to shift my focus to partnering with small and minority-owned businesses. These businesses often lacked the resources to hire large firms but possessed the potential for significant impact.

    I wanted to be part of their origin stories, helping them build legacies and achieve successes that felt as rewarding to them as they were for me when I stepped out into becoming a full-time business owner. It’s a different experience when you’re not relying on a paycheck from the day job.

    My entrepreneurial journey began with learning processes.

    How to identify a need and an audience.

    How to craft a solution that meets their needs and aligns withthe priority they placed on the solution.

    How to present a narrative and perception that resonates with the audience selected in a meaninful way.

    How to craft a customized business model around the business ideas being generated by small business owners.



    “Sean at Majority Media has been an incredible resource for my business. He is very knowledgeable in his field, has many resources directly on his website that I have leveraged, and his responses are always thoughtful and valuable. I would definitely recommend him to any small business looking to grow its business/brand.”

    Anthony Field

    Business Owner, Arrow & Stem

    Frameworks and Strategies for growing profitable businesses and identifying premium audiences

    I’ve learned that not everyone has the same definition of success, the same goals, or the same target markets and ideal customers, which is why I don’t believe cookie-cutter solutions are the answer. Instead, I strategically customize solutions to fit my client’s goals, budgets, and timelines using The Profitable Business Framework and The Premium Audience Framework.

    The Profitable Business Framework

    Businesses looking to move past the friends and family sales stage. Ready to build out legitimate target audiences and business practices. Moving from side hustle to credible full-time business.

    Business Growth Framework

    Businesses that are looking to target high-quality audiences that grow their revenue and help them overcome stagnation. Marketing-focused strategies that bring in engaged ideal audience segments. Converting prospects into brand champions. Overcoming churn and instability. Businesses increase retention and ROI on marketing budgets. Via more targeted strategic marketing methods.

    The corporate side of marketing and advertising has taught me the importance of understanding what it takes to get to the top and stay there, how to adapt best practices for unique businesses, and why you must have clarity about your business model, processes, and audience. These are the ingredients to strategically growing a business and remaining profitable throughout your brand journey – and they’re where each of my frameworks starts.

    Explore More of Majority Media

    Working together on identifying, prioritizing, and achieving your goals. Book a call and let’s get started.

    with Sean

    Learn professional and personal strategies for achieving success in life. Subscribe and never miss a helpful tip.

    The Strategic
    Thinkers Podcast

    Laptop on desk

    An overview of ways that new & existing businesses can establish profitability and longevity throughout their business journey.

    The Majority
    Media Blog


    with Sean

    Working together on identifying, prioritizing, and achieving your goals. Book a call and let’s get started.

    The Strategic

    Thinkers Podcast

    Learn professional and personal strategies for achieving success in life. Subscribe and never miss a helpful tip

    The Majority

    Media Blog

    An overview of ways that new and existing businesses can establish profitability and longevity throughout their business journey.

    Take the first step toward reaching your biggest business goals

    Schedule a call and let’s discuss how I can help turn your passionate ideas into purposeful strategies that increase profitability. Identify the premium audience that not only sees your value but prioritizes taking the next step in becoming a customer because they believe in your results.