Case Study

GetLo Solutions

Business Coach and project management solution service in need of a business model strategy.


GetLo Solutions is a project management service solution designed to help overwhelmed business owners with administrative struggles. Sara helps to organize their business process and systems.

Sara needed help building a business model around a service solution that she was providing as a side hustle But as demand increased she realized she needed to have a system and process of her own in place. A business model built for profitability and success.

The Problem

The GetLo Solutions side hustle started to get more business and requests. Sara needed to take a step back and evaluate her business model. It was clear this was about to go from a hobby to a legitimate revenue stream that would fund her goals of putting money aside for her son's education.

What Sara was seeking was a business model that took the time away from her son seeing to people's projects into consideration and made it worth pursuing the projects. GetLo Solutions needed structure and a sustainable business plan for success. An agile strategy that took her goals into consideration and allowed her to exit and sell the business if necessary.

The Solution

A business model evaluation that took into account where Sara is in her business journey and her ultimate goals professionally and personally. Creating a strategy that is customized added structure and efficiency. She didn't want the extra work to pull her away from enjoying the moments and caregiving responsibilities as a single mom.

A strategy and system were needed to promote the business and control the workflow. Limiting the number of clients that could be taken on at one time. While not leaving existing ongoing clients feeling like they weren't being supported.

The Results

GetLo Solutions was updated with a system that made the onboarding of clients more efficient.

Structuring the business model to address time concerns for both Sara and her supporting her existing client's needs.

Creating standard operating procedures making it easier to bring on assistants to do the time-consuming tasks that didn't require her expertise. Allowing Sara to focus on the high-level work.

Addressing the goal of limiting the time away from her son at a minimum but not compromising revenue generating opportunties.


“Very happy to be working with Majority Media. I was familiar with their services but working with Sean has been a pleasant surprise. He takes the time to find out your goals. Not just now but down the line and looks to put you in a position to get there. Where others look to keep you beholden and reliant. Majority Media looks to educate clients on the process.”

Sara DeJesus

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