
Hey there! I’m Sean M. Atkinson, your go-to guy for positioning your brand messaging and marketing for your business at Majority Media LLC. Today, we’re diving into something super important – the financial health of your business. I know it sounds overwhelming, but trust me, it’s crucial for the success of your business and, ultimately, your peace of mind. It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the bigger picture of your life. Ready to dive in?


Financial health is crucial for the success of your business and your peace of mind. It encompasses various aspects of your business and requires regular check-ins. The 10 signs of financial health that will be discussed in this article are:

  • Cash Flow is Positive
  • Debt is Manageable
  • Profitability
  • Budget is Followed
  • Financial Goals are Set and Tracked
  • Regular Financial Review
  • Sufficient Emergency Fund
  • Investments are Growing
  • Prices Reflect the Value Delivered
  • Proactive Financial Planning

1. Cash Flow is Positive

Positive cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. It means that your business has more money coming in from sales, services, and other receivables than it has going out for expenses like rent, salaries, and supplies.

Why It Matters

As a solopreneur or a small business owner, you might have experienced the exhilaration of getting that first payment from a customer. It’s a great feeling, right? But then comes the realization that revenue isn’t the same as profit. You have bills to pay, and you need to reinvest in your business to keep it growing.

Having a positive cash flow ensures that you can cover all your expenses and still have money left over for emergencies or investments. It’s a crucial aspect of financial health because, without it, you could find yourself in a tight spot, struggling to pay bills or, worse, facing bankruptcy.


Positive cash flow means having more money coming in than going out. It is crucial for covering expenses, emergencies, and investments.

How to Achieve It

Track Your Expenses
Keeping a meticulous record of every dollar spent can be tedious, but it’s necessary. Use accounting software or hire a professional to help you keep track of your expenses.

Invoice Promptly
Send out invoices as soon as possible and have a system in place for following up on unpaid invoices.

Manage Your Inventory
If applicable, don’t overstock inventory. It ties up cash that could be used elsewhere.

Negotiate with Suppliers
Try to negotiate better payment terms with your suppliers. For example, instead of paying the full amount upfront, see if you can pay a portion now and the rest later.

Case Study: A Side Hustler’s Journey

Meet Sarah, a side hustler who started her own consulting business while working a full-time job. At first, she was thrilled with the revenue coming in, but she quickly realized that managing cash flow was a different ball game.

Sarah had to juggle her full-time job, her consulting business, and her personal life. She had clients to serve, bills to pay, and a mortgage to cover. The money was coming in, but it was also going out quickly. Sarah was always running from one task to another, and managing her cash flow was the last thing on her mind.

One day, Sarah found herself in a bind. She had several unpaid invoices, and her expenses were piling up. She was stressed, overwhelmed, and didn’t know what to do.

That’s when she decided to take control of her finances. She started tracking her expenses meticulously, invoicing promptly, and managing her inventory more efficiently. She also negotiated better payment terms with her suppliers.

Fast forward a few months, and Sarah’s cash flow was positive. She had enough money to cover her expenses and invest back into her business. Sarah learned the hard way that positive cash flow is crucial for the financial health of any business.

Tracking expenses, invoicing promptly, managing inventory, and negotiating with suppliers can help achieve positive cash flow, as learned by Sarah, a side hustler who turned her financial situation around by implementing these strategies.

2. Debt is Manageable

Debt is a reality for most businesses, especially in the early stages. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. Borrowing can help you get your business off the ground, manage cash flow, or fund expansion. However, it becomes a problem when it is not managed properly.

Why It Matters

Debt can quickly spiral out of control if not managed carefully. High levels of debt can lead to cash flow problems, as a significant portion of your income will be used to service the debt. This can limit your ability to invest in your business, pay your employees, or even cover your basic operating expenses.

Additionally, excessive debt can also make your business less attractive to potential investors or buyers. It can also lead to higher interest rates on future borrowings.

Debt is not necessarily bad, but it must be managed carefully to avoid cash flow problems, making your business less attractive to investors, and incurring higher interest rates.

How to Manage It


Create a Debt Schedule

List all your debts, including the lender, interest rate, monthly payment, and payoff date. This will give you a clear picture of your debt situation.

Prioritize Your Debts
Pay off high-interest debts first, as they are the most expensive.

Negotiate with Lenders
If you are struggling to make payments, talk to your lenders. They may be willing to work with you to create a more manageable payment schedule.

Consider Refinancing
If you have high-interest debts, consider refinancing to a lower interest rate.

Case Study: A Small Business Owner’s Turnaround

Meet John, a small business owner who found himself drowning in debt. John started his business with a loan and used credit cards to fund some of his operations. Business was good at first, and John was able to make his monthly payments. However, as the business grew, so did his expenses, and soon, John found himself struggling to make ends meet.

John’s debt was affecting his cash flow, his ability to invest in his business, and his personal life. He was stressed, losing sleep, and felt like he was in a never-ending cycle of debt.

That’s when John decided to take control of his debt. He created a debt schedule, prioritized his debts, negotiated with his lenders, and refinanced his high-interest debts. It took time, but John was able to get his debt under control and improve his business’s financial health.

John learned that debt is not necessarily a bad thing, but it must be managed carefully to avoid spiraling out of control.

Creating a debt schedule, prioritizing debts, negotiating with lenders, and refinancing high-interest debts are strategies to manage debt, as learned by John, a small business owner who successfully turned his financial situation around by implementing these strategies.

3. Profitability

Profitability is the ability of your business to generate more revenue than it incurs in expenses. It is a key indicator of your business’s financial health and long-term sustainability.

Why It Matters

Being profitable means your business is generating enough revenue to cover all its expenses and have some left over. This surplus can be reinvested into the business, saved for a rainy day, or distributed to the owners.

A lack of profitability, on the other hand, can lead to a host of problems. Without profits, your business may struggle to pay its bills, invest in its future, or attract investors. Over time, this can lead to the decline or even failure of your business.


Profitability is crucial for the long-term sustainability of your business. It allows you to cover expenses, reinvest in your business, save for emergencies, and attract investors.

How to Improve It

Understand Your Costs
Knowing exactly where your money is going is the first step in improving profitability. Review your expenses regularly and look for areas where you can cut costs without sacrificing quality.

Increase Prices
This can be a tricky one, especially if you are worried about losing customers. However, if you are providing a high-quality product or service, most customers will be willing to pay a little more. Remember, it’s about the value you provide.

Improve Operational Efficiency
Look for ways to streamline your operations and reduce waste. This could mean investing in new technology, reorganizing your team, or outsourcing certain tasks.

Focus on High-Margin Products or Services
If some of your products or services are more profitable than others, consider focusing more of your efforts on promoting and selling those.

Case Study: A Business Coach’s Path to Profitability

Emma, a business coach, was struggling to make her business profitable. Despite having a steady stream of clients, she found that her expenses were always just a little bit higher than her revenue.

Emma decided to take a closer look at her costs and found several areas where she could cut expenses without compromising the quality of her service. She also realized that she was undercharging for her services, so she decided to increase her prices slightly.

Emma also looked for ways to improve her operational efficiency. She started using online booking and payment systems, which saved her a lot of time and reduced administrative costs.

Finally, Emma realized that some of her services were more profitable than others, so she decided to focus more of her efforts on promoting and selling those services.

By making these changes, Emma was able to improve her profitability and secure the long-term sustainability of her business.

Understanding costs, increasing prices, improving operational efficiency, and focusing on high-margin products or services are strategies to improve profitability, as demonstrated by Emma, a business coach who successfully implemented these strategies to secure the long-term sustainability of her business.

4. Budget is Followed

A budget is a financial plan that outlines your business’s expected income and expenses over a specific period. Following a budget is crucial for maintaining financial health as it helps to keep spending in check and ensures that there is enough money to cover all necessary expenses.

Why It Matters

Creating and following a budget helps to prevent overspending and ensures that there is enough money available for essential expenses, such as rent, utilities, and salaries. It also helps to identify areas where costs can be reduced and where there may be opportunities for additional revenue.

A well-managed budget also provides a clear picture of your business’s financial situation, making it easier to make informed decisions and plan for the future.


A well-managed budget prevents overspending, ensures essential expenses are covered, identifies cost-reduction and additional revenue opportunities, and facilitates informed decision-making and future planning.

How to Stick to It

Regularly Review Your Budget
Make it a habit to review your budget regularly. This will help you to identify any deviations from the plan early on and make the necessary adjustments.

Use Budgeting Tools
There are many budgeting tools available that can help you create and manage your budget more effectively. Find one that suits your needs and use it consistently.

Involve Your Team
Make sure your team is aware of the budget and understands its importance. Encourage them to take ownership of their part of the budget and to look for ways to reduce costs.

Be Realistic
When creating your budget, be realistic about your expected income and expenses. It’s better to be conservative in your estimates than to be overly optimistic and end up short.

Case Study: A Solopreneur’s Budgeting Success

John, a solopreneur running a small online business, found it challenging to manage his finances. Despite having a budget, he often found himself overspending and struggling to cover essential expenses.

John decided to take a more proactive approach to budgeting. He started by reviewing his budget regularly and using a budgeting tool to track his income and expenses more accurately.

He also made an effort to involve his team in the budgeting process. He shared the budget with them and encouraged them to take ownership of their part of the budget and to look for ways to reduce costs.

Finally, John made an effort to be more realistic in his budgeting. He revised his budget to reflect more conservative estimates of his income and expenses.

By making these changes, John was able to stick to his budget more effectively and improve the financial health of his business.


Regularly reviewing the budget, using budgeting tools, involving the team, and being realistic in budgeting are key strategies to sticking to the budget, as demonstrated by John, a solopreneur who successfully implemented these strategies to improve his business’s financial health.

5. Financial Goals are Set and Tracked

Setting financial goals is crucial for the growth and sustainability of your business. These goals can include increasing revenue, reducing debt, improving profit margins, or building an emergency fund.

Why It Matters

Setting financial goals provides a clear direction for your business and helps to keep you and your team focused and motivated. It also allows you to measure your progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on track.

Tracking your financial goals regularly ensures that you are making progress toward achieving them and allows you to identify any potential issues early on.


Setting and tracking financial goals provide direction, focus, motivation, and a means to measure progress and identify potential issues early on.

How to Do It

Be Specific
Clearly define your financial goals. Instead of saying, “I want to increase revenue,” say, “I want to increase revenue by 20% over the next year.”

Make Them Measurable
Ensure that your goals are measurable. This means assigning a specific number or percentage to each goal.

Set a Timeline
Assign a deadline to each goal. This creates a sense of urgency and helps to keep you and your team focused.

Regularly Review Your Progress

Make it a habit to review your progress towards your financial goals regularly. This will help you to stay on track and make any necessary adjustments.

Celebrate Achievements
Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. This will help to keep you and your team motivated and focused on achieving the next goal.

Case Study: Tracking Financial Goals Leads to Success

Emma, a business coach, set specific financial goals for her business at the beginning of the year. She wanted to increase her revenue by 20%, reduce her debt by 15%, and build an emergency fund of $10,000.

Emma made sure her goals were measurable and set a timeline for each one. She also made it a habit to review her progress regularly and made adjustments as needed.

By the end of the year, Emma had not only achieved all of her financial goals but had exceeded them. She increased her revenue by 25%, reduced her debt by 20%, and built an emergency fund of $12,000.

Emma credits her success to setting specific, measurable goals with a timeline and regularly reviewing her progress.


Setting specific, measurable goals with a timeline and regularly reviewing progress was key to Emma’s success in achieving and exceeding her financial goals.

6. Regular Financial Review

Conducting regular financial reviews is essential for maintaining the financial health of your business. A financial review involves analyzing your financial statements, cash flow, and budget to identify any discrepancies, potential issues, or areas for improvement.

Why It Matters

Regular financial reviews allow you to identify any potential issues early on and make necessary adjustments to avoid bigger problems in the future. It also helps you to ensure that you are on track to achieve your financial goals and that your financial records are accurate and up-to-date.


Regular financial reviews help identify potential issues early, ensure you are on track to achieve financial goals and maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records.

How to Do It

Analyze Your Financial Statements
Regularly review your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement to identify any discrepancies or potential issues.

Compare Actuals to Budget
Compare your actual income and expenses to your budget to identify any variances and make necessary adjustments.

Review Your Cash Flow
Analyze your cash flow to ensure that you have enough cash on hand to cover your expenses and invest in growth opportunities.

Identify Areas for Improvement
Identify any areas where you can reduce costs, increase revenue, or improve efficiency.

Make Necessary Adjustments
Make any necessary adjustments to your budget, financial goals, or business operations to stay on track and maintain financial health.

Case Study: Regular Financial Review Saves a Business

John, a small business owner, made it a habit to conduct a financial review of his business at the end of every month. He analyzed his financial statements, compared his actual income and expenses to his budget, reviewed his cash flow, and identified any areas for improvement.

During one of his monthly reviews, John noticed that his expenses were significantly higher than budgeted. Upon further investigation, he discovered that one of his suppliers had increased their prices without notifying him.

John immediately contacted the supplier and negotiated a better rate. He also made adjustments to his budget and business operations to account for the increased cost.

By conducting regular financial reviews, John was able to identify the issue early on and make necessary adjustments to avoid a bigger financial problem in the future.


John’s regular financial reviews helped him identify a significant discrepancy early on, negotiate a better rate with his supplier, and make necessary adjustments to avoid a bigger financial problem.

7. Sufficient Emergency Fund

Having a sufficient emergency fund is crucial for the financial health of your business. An emergency fund is a reserve of cash set aside to cover unexpected expenses or financial emergencies.

Why It Matters

Unexpected expenses or financial emergencies can occur at any time. Having a sufficient emergency fund ensures that you have the cash on hand to cover these expenses without having to take on debt or dip into your business’s operating funds.


A sufficient emergency fund ensures you can cover unexpected expenses without taking on debt or using operating funds.

How to Do It

Determine How Much You Need
The size of your emergency fund will depend on the nature of your business and your financial situation. A general rule of thumb is to have enough cash on hand to cover three to six months of operating expenses.

Set a Goal
Set a goal for how much you want to save in your emergency fund and create a plan for how you will achieve it.

Start Small
If you are just starting out or have limited funds, start by setting aside a small amount of money each month and gradually increase it as your business grows.

Keep It Separate
Keep your emergency fund in a separate bank account to avoid the temptation to dip into it for non-emergency expenses.

Regularly Review and Adjust
Regularly review your emergency fund and adjust it as necessary to ensure that it remains adequate to cover unexpected expenses.

Case Study: Emergency Fund Saves a Business During a Pandemic

Sarah, a small business owner, had always made it a priority to maintain a sufficient emergency fund for her business. She had enough cash on hand to cover six months of operating expenses.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Sarah’s business was severely impacted. She had to temporarily close her physical store, and her online sales dropped significantly.

Because she had a sufficient emergency fund, Sarah was able to cover her fixed expenses, such as rent and utilities, during the closure. She also invested in improving her online presence and marketing, which helped to increase her online sales.

Having a sufficient emergency fund allowed Sarah to weather the storm and come out stronger on the other side.


Sarah’s sufficient emergency fund allowed her to cover her fixed expenses during the temporary closure of her physical store and invest in improving her online presence, ultimately helping her business survive and thrive during the pandemic.

8. Investments are Growing

Ensuring your investments are growing is a key sign of financial health. Investments can include stocks, bonds, real estate, or even reinvesting in your own business.

Why It Matters

Growing investments indicate a healthy financial future for your business. It means your money is working for you, and you are building wealth over time.


Growing investments indicate a healthy financial future and wealth-building for your business.

How to Do It

Diversify Your Investments
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investments across different asset classes to reduce risk and maximize potential returns.

Regularly Review Your Investment Portfolio
Regularly review your investment portfolio to ensure it is aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Reinvest in Your Business
Don’t forget to reinvest in your own business. This can include investing in new equipment, marketing, or hiring additional staff.

Seek Professional Advice
If you are not confident in managing your investments, seek advice from a professional financial advisor.

Case Study: Reinvesting in the Business

John, a solopreneur, started his consulting business with a small investment. Over time, his business grew, and he started generating a healthy profit.

Instead of taking all the profits out of the business, John decided to reinvest a portion of the profits back into his business. He invested in marketing, hired an assistant, and upgraded his office equipment.

As a result, John was able to attract more clients, increase his efficiency, and ultimately grow his business and increase his profits even further.


By reinvesting a portion of his profits back into his business, John was able to attract more clients, increase his efficiency, and ultimately grow his business and increase his profits.

9. Proactive Financial Planning

Being proactive about your financial planning is the last, but certainly not the least, sign of financial health. It means you are actively planning for your business’s financial future, rather than reacting to financial problems as they arise.

Why It Matters

Proactive financial planning helps you to anticipate potential financial challenges and opportunities, enabling you to make informed decisions and take action before problems escalate.


Proactive financial planning helps anticipate challenges and opportunities, allowing informed decisions and actions before problems escalate.

How to Do It

Set Financial Goals
Setting clear, achievable financial goals is the first step in proactive financial planning. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Create a Financial Plan
Develop a comprehensive financial plan that outlines your financial goals, current financial situation, and the strategies you will use to achieve your goals.

Monitor Your Progress
Regularly monitor your progress towards your financial goals and adjust your plan as needed.

Seek Professional Advice
If you are not confident in creating and managing your financial plan, seek advice from a professional financial advisor.

Case Study: Proactive Financial Planning in Action

Sarah, a business coach, realized that her business was growing rapidly, and she needed to be more proactive about her financial planning.

She started by setting clear financial goals for her business, including increasing her revenue by 20% over the next year and building an emergency fund equivalent to six months of operating expenses.

Next, she developed a comprehensive financial plan that outlined her current financial situation, the strategies she would use to achieve her goals, and a timeline for achieving them.

She regularly monitored her progress towards her goals and made adjustments to her plan as needed. For example, she increased her marketing budget to attract more clients and adjusted her pricing to reflect the value she delivered.

As a result, Sarah was able to achieve her financial goals, grow her business, and build a strong financial foundation for the future.


By setting clear financial goals, developing a comprehensive financial plan, and regularly monitoring her progress, Sarah was able to achieve her financial goals, grow her business, and build a strong financial foundation for the future.


Your business’s financial health is crucial for its survival and growth. By ensuring that your cash flow is positive, debt is manageable, profitability is strong, the budget is followed, financial goals are set and tracked, regular financial reviews are conducted, a sufficient emergency fund is maintained, investments are growing, prices reflect the value delivered, and proactive financial planning is in place, you are setting your business up for success.

Remember, financial health is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that requires regular attention and action. And while it may seem daunting, you don’t have to do it alone. Whether it’s seeking advice from a financial expert, using financial management tools, or partnering with professionals like us at Majority Media LLC, there are resources available to help you manage your financial health effectively.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation to understand better how we can support you in your journey towards better financial health. Your financial well-being is integral to your business’s success, and we are here to help.