Targeted Website Content: The Key to Business Growth and Success
Learn how targeted website content can drive business growth by understanding your target audience, avoiding outdated content, and optimizing each stage of the buyer's journey. Discover practical steps for updating your website's content and how a website audit can inform your business growth strategy.
The Power of the Customer Journey: Why it Matters and How to Make it Work for You
The customer journey is the path a customer takes from discovering your brand to making a purchase to finally becoming a loyal (and hopefully, repeat) customer. Understanding the customer journey is important because it helps you see your business strengths and weaknesses and address them.
The Difference Between Revenue vs Profit As An Entrepreneur
One major contributing factor is not understanding how to manage business revenue properly. Too often new business owners get so excited about the revenue coming in that they overlook the costs of doing business and think they’re rolling in profit.
My goal with this article is to highlight the right revenue mindset new entrepreneurs need to eliminate unnecessary struggle. If you have a business idea or are thinking of starting a new business, keep reading because I wrote this for you.
The Entrepreneurial Mindset – What is it and Why Does it Matter?
Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is key to success in business. Learn what the entrepreneurial mindset is and why it matters in this comprehensive guide. Understand the importance of creative problem-solving, risk-taking, and embracing failure in the entrepreneurial journey. Find out the benefits of having an entrepreneurial mindset and how it can help you reach success.
How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Overcome feeling like you have to have it all figured out on your own. Only feeling comfortable stepping out into your purpose once you’ve got things perfect and polished.
The Dangers of ‘Now What’ Marketing
The dangers of getting your marketing strategy wrong. Finding yourself asking Now What? How can I fix this and become profitable with my marketing strategies?
Surviving Survival Mode
A discussion on the dangers of going into survival mode and autopilot when feeling overwhelmed and struggling with professional and personal day-to-day life.
How to make the most of your free consultation
A free consultation is more than just a quick 10-to-15-minute call. It is an interview on both sides designed to qualify leads and see if this is someone you can see partnering with on your project. Identifying the fit should be the main purpose of the call.
How do I market to a specific audience & not compromise my standards?
When you focus on the problem and pain points. The answers follow. Audiences will tell you what they need if you listen and pay attention. Once you identify the pain points. It is a matter of finding out who you specifically want to address and focus on as your audience
The Secrets to Big Brands’ Success Interview with Sean Atkinson
An overview of ways that new and existing businesses can establish more of a presence. Strategies that brands can implement to overcome stagnation. My 5,4.3 plan to successful brand building and messaging.